Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hold Me Close

Hello All,
I don't know how many of you love being held but I know as a fact I do. It's the best after a very stressful day and you need to relax. Cuddling is good for your body and boosts your mood.
Thank you.

Forever Lost

Hello All,
I think my favourite thing about photography would be editing in the different emotions I can feel when I do a shoot like this, the old school makes me wonder what if I shot something like this.
Thank you.

A Gentle Kiss

Hello All,
I love seeing couples that try and make things work and aren't afraid to show a little affection. Especially in front of the camera.
Thank you.

Happily In Love

Hello All,
I loved working with these 2 young guys they were such a pleasure to hang out with. They were so cooperative and awesome.
Thank you.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Funny Smiles

Hello All,
So you know when a photographer at school says smile nice, big and pretty; well I tried it and well this is the turn out. I can't help but love the way his face is.
Thank you.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Fit In That Frame

Hello All,
So I love the way he just fit into the frame. It just worked out so perfectly.
Thank you.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Family Till The End

Hello All,
No matter what happens to you your family will be there till the end. Sure I don't get along with my step family but I put up with them.
Thank you.


Hello All,
How many of you love cuddles? I know as a fact that I do and whenever I get the chance to get cuddles I will take them. They are proven to help reduce stress.
Thank you.

Back To The 60's

Hello All,
Looking at this picture the first thought that comes to my mind is this must from the 60's. I think it's just because the colouring and the outfit.
Thank you.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wider Angles

Hello All,
So I love experimenting with different angles and trying new things. I love the way this one turned out. The way they look so happy.
Thank you.


Hello All,
Seeing pictures in black and white also remind me of the old days. The days when everyone respected each other and there was no have based on beliefs or religion.
Thank you.

Those Smiles

Hello All,
I don't know what's more difficult. Dealing with actual models that don't know how to smile or dealing with people that hate smiling. Each time I try to get someone to smile I hear no it's ugly. The only words that come to my mind is no your smile is beautiful now make it work.
Thank you.

Remember Those Times

Hello All,
Looking at this picture it makes me think of the old days when the pictures were in sepia and there was no focus on colours. I miss those days and I wish I lived back in them.
Thank you.

No Rules

Hello All,
Looking at this picture the first thought to come to mind is there's no rules to life. No rules to school, to games including monopoly.
Thank you.

Man In Uniform

Hello All,
I know women love a man in a uniform or a suit it all depends on the job title. I love a man in a suit that's for sure. Something about how they clean up is a turn on for me.
Thank you.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Kiss Him Now

Hello All,
How many of you have watched a movie or seen a picture where they are about to kiss but hold his pose forever; well when I see it all I can think in my head is kiss them now.
Thank you.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Family Ties

Hello All,
Remember no matter what you will always have your family. They will stick with you through the thick and the thin.
Thank you.

Don't Leave My Side

Hello All,
We all know that family means the world to most people; I don't know where I would be without the support of my family.
Thank you.

Distant Stare

Hello All,
So this young man right here was so fun and easy to work with. He did everything I asked; not like I ask for much though.
Thank you.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Hello All,
I love striping the colour from some pictures, it brings out the meaning, and the purpose of the pictures.
Thank you.

Beautiful Eyes

Hello All,
Look at those eyes. The way he's looking away from the camera. If I remember correctly he's staring at his partner.
Thank you.

Be Yourself

Hello All,
Remember to always be yourself in a photograph; they are kept forever and cherished. Don't be someone you're not.
Thank you.

Careful Shot

Hello All,
We were out playing pool earlier this month and I had the camera out trying to take some vintage shots. I got none so far though I do like how a lot of them turned out. They will be posted momentarily.

Thank you.

He Shoots He Scores

Hello All,
So I thought I try a colour splash for a couple of the pool shots. I do have to say this turned out freaking awesome. I love the way the pool balls are coloured. I found the background too busy and I didn't overly feel like moving from my seat.

Thank you.

Back To Back

Hello All,
So this makes me think of Charlie's Angels. I think it's the pose though; there's something about it.
Thank you.

Awkward Smiles

Hello All,
I have noticed some people have awkward smiles or they try to smile and it goes unseen.
Thank you.

A Link Bond

Hello All,
These 2 young people had such a bond that's so adorable. They aren't even related; she's his partners cousin.
Thank you.

Sisters Are Your First

Hello All,
Sisters are your first best friend. They will always be there; I was always there for mine. I was there when she got into her first first; I hit the guy after but I was there to help her pick up the pieces of her heart after her first heartbreak… Now we don't talk.
Thank you.

Not So Serious

Hello All,
So as you can tell I don't take being a photographer too serious; I believe in having a little fun on the job.
Thank you.

Lose The Color

Hello All,
I don't know why but for some pictures I love to strip the colours not only because it shows the meaning but it keeps us from focusing on certain colours. Want to get the meaning out of the picture strip the colour.
Thank you.

It's All Fun And Games

Hello All,
So you know the saying it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt? Well I always add until someone gets hurt then it's hilarious. Yes this took a while to get because she was so afraid of being dropped.
Thank you.

I Can Do This Forever

Hello All,
So you know how when people are together they look into each others eyes. I know when people do it they say I can do this forever and it's so cute.
Thank you.

Hugs From Behind

Hello All,
I love how they match; more than 1/2 the pictures they are in together they match. It's so adorable and cute. I hope to work with them again in the future.
Thank you.

Hold Me, Love Me

Hello All,
This instantly makes me think of Romeo and Juliet; I don't know why though. I have never worked with a couple so in love. This was done in January though.
Thank you.

Big Smiles

Hello All,
I have noticed that since I am doing more male shoots it's hard to get them to do a full smile not that sexy 1/2 smirk thing they do. I finally got him to smile but then again it was the fact everything was on burst and I couldn't stop laughing.
Thank you.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A Little Seductive

Hello All,
Well umm I never noticed it focused on his elbows oops but it still looks good. I am still trying to understand the posing men choose to seduce women and I know this works but don't know why.
Thank you.

We Are All Different

Hello All,
We all have differences, even in a family. Not one person is the same; we all have our own features and our own beliefs. It makes me a little mad when people say you're like everyone else; no its not true we are all different.
Thank you.

It's Proof

Hello All,
Do you remember when you were younger and everyone said if a boy bugged you it meant he liked you. Well I do and this suits is alright.
Thank you.

You're Born With A Family

Hello All,
So I am often asked if I chose my family because we all pretty much hate each other and bicker when we all see each other even in the mall. You don't pick and chose your family; well there is an exception and it's all adoption and I was chosen I didn't have say. Love your family though; they aren't around forever.
Thank you.

Love is Love

Hello All,
I still can't get over how awesome these young men where to work with. They showed up at my front step with suit cases full of clothing; it was so much fun.
Thank you.

Check That Hair

Hello All,
So how many of you can say you can rock that wake up messy hair? I know I can't because when I wake up it's all kinda poof.

Thank you

Mix And Match

Hello All,
So yeah I see this is a little bit blurry but it still has meaning behind it. Love has no age, gender or colour; love does have heart and feelings though. We were all made to love someone.
Thank you.

A Gentle Touch

Hello All,
These men were such a pleasure to work with. They were so nice and gentle to each other it was so adorable. Plus the way they looked at each other was just so memorizing.
Thank you.

It's A 2 Way Street

Hello All,
So as most of you should know by now that love is a 2 way street both sides need to try or you're headed right into a horrible collusion. Look at the way they look at each other; you can tell they are in it for the long run.
Thank you.


Hello All,
Aren't these guys just adorable? I hope you enjoy them because they will be in the posts for the next couple days. They are the cutest couple ever.

Thank you.

So Much Tension

Hello All,
So I couldn't really think of anything to say so I am doing a bit of a back story behind this piece. These 2 are long lost lovers and the girl is in love with another man and this man found out and all he can feel tension. When he looks into the eyes of his lover he sees the other man.

Thank you.

Smile Pretty Boys

Hello All,
I would love to say these guys right here are adorable and were so much fun to work with. They weren't shy at all they were just awesome from the start to the ending, sure we had to get to know each other at first.

Thank you.

Slicked Back Hair

Hello All,
I don't know why but I love this picture so much. It may have to be his face or the black and white. I also love the way his hair is. He had to use water to hold it back.

Thank you.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Silent Seduction

Hello All,
I love capturing couples in black and white because it captures innocence and it draws attention from the colours. It shows the true meaning behind the art and the expressions showed.

Thank you.

See The Love

Hello All,
For starters I loved working with these guys. They were the cutest couple ever, at first they were a little shy but aren't we all? I hope you enjoy all their pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.

Thank you.